Sunday, January 13, 2008

New Sewing Machine

^^^Unrelated Baby Photo^^^

I bought a new sewing machine from Amazon on Friday. It is being delivered tomorrow; I am verrrry excited. So I decided on a Brother SE270D sewing and embroidery machine. I have visions of grandeur about what I will accomplish with this partner.

I see myself starting out with slipcovers for our dining room chairs. I have designed what I want, and I think they'll look pretty awesome, and will have fun trying to make them without a pattern :)

After I finish the slipcovers I plan to start making Lily some cool clothes. I really don't like the excessively cutesy stuff out there for babies so I decided I'll make her some funky, punky and retro stuff. I think it'll be fun trying out new stuff and that the embroidery function on the machine is going to be awesome for this :).

I've decided that there must be other parents out there who want cute kids clothes that aren't too syrup-y sweet.... so if I enjoy sewing and become good enough to do so, I plan to sell some of my designs.

Oh, and the embroidery function in the machine is computerized (which Eric is somewhat interested in) and I'm super excited to be able to make my own embroidery designs... I think that's going to be amazing. I also look forward to making Lily's pictures into embroidery designs for her clothes once she gets old enough to color and stuff....

I will post pictures of what I make as I complete them... this is gonna be fun :)

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